Vincent &
Mike's Blog
NEW! Vincent & Mike's Cat Toy Reviews.
Welcome to Vincent &
Mike's website. Vincent and Mike are brother and sister tabby
cat kittens.

Vincent's the boy, Mike's
the girl.
Vincent and Mike were
adopted by their person, Sandy, from the local SPCA. Sandy
thinks strays make the best pets. Vincent and Mike agree.

How to Handle
Yourself at the Vet's Office
After Vincent and Mike's
first visit to their new vet's office, they have some tips to share.
If a dog gets too
close in the waiting room, swat his nose.
Try to look cute, so
everyone will oooh and awww over you.
Look the other way
when they give you shots. It hurts less.
If they put liquids in
your ears, nose, or mouth, shake your head vigorously and spray
the stuff all over the room. It's good for a laugh.
"Stool Sample" are not
words you want to hear.
Tuck yourself under
your person's arm during the uncomfortable stuff.
No self respecting cat
eats those treats they try to give you.
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Be brave. You'll
be home soon.
Sandy and the cats think
that the cats at
icanhascheezeburger.com (aka LOLcats) are pretty funny.
Take a look.
Tips on Controlling
When Vincent and Mike
arrived home from the shelter, they were very stinky kitties.
Now they smell as sweet and they act.
the kitties first came home, they smelled like the shelter
(imagine 12 kittens in one room sharing a couple litter boxes).
Bathing cats never seems like a smart thing to try, so the local
pet store owner recommended "Fur Foam." Fur Foam worked
great. You just put some of the foam on your hands and
then rub it onto the cat's fur. The kitties didn't mind
having this done at all. You don't have to wash it off or rub it
off. It made them smell much better. The shelter
odors were gone immediately. The label says the product is
all natural and cruelty free, which is good. It says it
even works on skunk odors.
We like Arm & Hammer
Sooper Scoop kitty litter. It comes in an unscented
variety that doesn't make the kitties smell like perfume when
they use the litter box. The baking soda in the litter
does a good job of neutralizing odors.
Both kittens had
stinky runny poop, caused by
Coccidia, which is common in cats from shelters. That
was cured with a drug called Albon. However, the Albon
upset the balance of good bacteria in the kitty's intestines,
giving them stinky runny poop all over again! They passed
gas a lot too. The vet gave them FortiFlora by Purina
Veterinary Diets, which re-establishes the good bacteria.
It's a flavored powder that you mix with their food. It
worked great.
If a kitty has an
accident, Nature's Miracle is a great way to remove the odor.
Both Vincent and Mike had accidents on their first night home,
before they learned where the litter box was. I'm glad I
had a bottle of this stuff around. Nature's Miracle - Just
for Cats is a stain and odor remover for use on carpets, floors,
furniture, clothing, etc. It doesn't just cover up the
odor, it actually eliminates it, which is important so that
kitties don't continue to use that place as a bathroom.
You can find this in pet stores.
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